Snohomish County drafted a performance report on how it used $5 million in federal affordable housing and community development grants and now wants the public to comment on the report, according to a news release. | Pixabay
Snohomish County drafted a performance report on how it used $5 million in federal affordable housing and community development grants and now wants the public to comment on the report, according to a news release. | Pixabay
Snohomish County drafted a performance report on how it used $5 million in federal affordable housing and community development grants and now wants the public to comment on the report, according to a news release.
The report includes key accomplishments, including three new units of affordable rental housing, four waterline improvement projects, 84 low-income households receiving tenant-based rental assistance, home repairs, construction of a public facility for the homeless, services provided to low-income persons and 24 homeless households that received rapid assistance.
The county made used the funds between July 1, 2019, and June 30. The county administers the federal grants under several grant programs and provides the funds throughout the community. The grant programs include HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).
Written comments can be received until Nov. 18. They can be emailed or mailed to the county's Housing & Community Services Division.