The public is invited to attend a virtual open house where city staff and the consultant team will present the urban design and economic analysis completed for the Highway 99 Area
Community Renewal project. The presentation will cover some of the physical and economic conditions that impact the corridor and discuss potential tools the City can use as a
catalyst for positive change. After the presentation, there will be opportunities for the public to provide feedback and to ask questions. The meeting will be held via Zoom on October
20th from 6:00-7:30 pm and can be accessed via the following link:
“The neighborhoods around the Highway 99 Corridor are an important part of Edmonds,” said Mayor Nelson. “The City is focused on improving the quality of life and expanding
opportunities for people who live and work there.”
The Highway 99 Area Community Renewal project builds on past and on-going City efforts to improve the quality of life and safety along the corridor. The project distinguishes itself
from other Highway 99 area efforts in that it is focused on public investment and redevelopment opportunities, not solely on transportation-related issues or development standards.
In addition to seeking input about the Community Renewal project, the City will also poll attendees about preferences for an official identifying name for the neighborhood along
Highway 99.
Korean and Spanish language interpreters will be available.
To learn more about the project and links to the virtual open house, please visit the project webpage at:
Original source can be found here.